Will You Read Your Bible?

As I watched my cat using my desk Bible and preaching Bible as pillows. I thought him doing this again (he does this daily) is a regular image of most people's relationship with their Bibles. A lot of people drag their Bible to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, but on those in between days they seldom open it, let alone touch it.

As we approach a new year, perhaps it is time to make a commitment with teeth that will actually impact your life. Why don't you make a real commitment to read your Bible everyday for the next year. If you commit to reading at least one chapter every day, you will almost read the entire thing in the next year. It is that easy.

I know way to many believers who have not actually read the Bible in its entirety. It is time. This is God's word. You should read it, know it, and apply it. None of those three things are possible if it is little more than a prop for other Christians to see when you carry it around or to rest your eyes on like my cat does every single day.

Do something with teeth that yields a positive result. You will not regret it.