Morons All Around

This morning I was reflecting on a number of things. The weekend effort to assassinate a former president and current candidate running solid in the background as I contemplated first this and then that while my coffee brewed and I drank my morning loose leaf green tea. While contemplating life…

That's My Problem

There is an interesting problem within the church in North America. I cannot say the world due to my lack of first hand experience with the "Church" worldwide, but I suspect this is a global problem within the faith. Many Christians simply believe a load of things that are not…

Why We Don't Think

For a number of years I have been amazed at the similarity of opinion across the United States on almost every single subject out there. For some time I have held the notion the common views are a result of peer pressure because in America you are free to have…

The United States of Decline

It would be hard to look at the state of the State and its people and not see the decline occurring across the board. I am fifty years old and the country I live in today is nothing like the one I grew up in. Some of that was pure…

Why Do Christians Support Israel?

This weekend is Easter. It should call to mind the parable of the landowner who hired laborers to tend his field and who when he called for the bounty of the vine, were supposed to send it forward. Only when the landowner called for his property and the fruit of…

God Is Still At Work Today

I am near complete with the Old Testament again. Reading the minor prophets daily brings an enduring commentary on the sinfulness of their times and the blatant disregard for proper living, ethics, morality, righteousness, and truth that plagued their community from the priests and princes to the lowest shepherd. This…

I Want To Address Fashion

My wife criticizes my clothing choices on a daily basis. She knows I do not even make choices with my clothing, I wear what is due next and if it clashes or doesn't match or fit with the other parts, what do I care? Today I am wearing a pair…

Where Is Your Faith?

In 1 Cor 3: 1-4, Paul chastises the Corinthian Church and calls them spiritual infants. He says he would like to address them as adults so they can talk about adult things, but they are still infants in Christ. He does not say they are unbelievers, only they have not…