This Is A Strange World

I do not think anytime in the history of man has been so strange as this one. Disney is changing the names of characters so they can be more "inclusive." Faerie Godmothers are now faerie apprentices so both males and females can take on the role of make believe. Disney is rewriting its own history and the English language/culture to accommodate a deranged segment of society bent on forcing everyone to cater to their delusions.

I do not disagree there have always been deviants. You can see them in the pages of the Bible from very early on and they have continued until today. We will always have people who reject decency and pursue the flesh. Some communities have made greater efforts to normalize people who did not fit the normal male/female mold, but at no point in my knowledge, which certainly has gaps, has their been such a concerted effort to embrace the strange and pretend they are not only normal, but should be celebrated as special.

I have wanted nothing to do with Disney for decades, but how normal people can still make special trips to attend their parks or watch their movies or shows is something I have not been able to figure out. Is there no standard people are unwilling to put their moral foot down for? What would it take for you to reject businesses like Disney and our new culture?

The author Scott Howard posits in his book The Transgender-Industrial Complex there is a cabal of people pushing this agenda to destroy the family and the very fabric of society so it can be remolded in the perverse direction we are heading. While this is a book I plan on reading, I have not read it yet and cannot speak to its contents in its entirety. I do have to wonder though how trannies and deviants have made such strides in one generation as to flip all of human history on its head.

I have not given Disney any money in years. I will not cater to insanity and call wrong right, nor will I pretend all of the things going on around me are normal. We are living at a time when all the wrong things are being lifted and the right things suppressed. I do not see this ending well.

Saints, I urge you to not give Disney any of your money. Find someplace else to go on vacation. Find a different movie to watch. Find something else to do. You would not walk into a bathhouse and start giving $50 bills to the male whores and clap your approval of their behavior, so why would you do the same with Disney?