The Old Grey Champion

According to Nathaniel Hawthorne, at different times in the history of the now United State, a single solitary grey man has appeared in times of trouble to uplift the downtrodden and motivate the able bodied to rise to the occasion and defend not only themselves and their family, but the very idea of liberty itself. This grey man is a portent of troubled times where blood is going to be spilled and the balance of power will shift for the good or be sealed for the bad.

This Grey Man was rumored to have appeared in the early days of Colonial America to overthrow a governor and then again just prior to the Revolutionary War. A few generations later he arrived during the War of Northern Aggression, but his boys lost the fight and thus began a century of oppression. Then again he appeared in what we know as WWI at the behest of Wilson and the State where liberty was drowned in a shallow pool again. He was only away a short time before coming again in WWII and unsuccessully rousing men to stay at home. They ignored the Old Grey Man and put on their battle suits and grew the State again. The Old Grey Man has not been doing well at keeping the State at bay.

The Grey Man has been asleep for decades. During this time America has spiraled into infamy and become more and more soiled with bad ideas, bad leadership, and failed economic policy and war-mongery, resulting in mountains of debt, morality in the can, and the family under extreme attack as people question the very idea of male and female into all manner of strange fictional genders. The Grey Man is still asleep. Meanwhile other old grey haired fools continue ascending to the throne and throwing open the doors for the last couple of decades for their friends to loot and grab everything of value they can.

The Old Grey Man remains asleep, but I suspect he is coming.

When employers cannot find employees because it is easier to get a check from government, have their rent and utilities paid, and legislation hand waves giant debts away from those who signed on the dotted line. Where is justice? The debts remain on the books of the lenders and landlords, but those most favored monetize these debts away. The looting is reaching epic levels, but for most of us normies, our quality of life cheapens and gets more expensive. With each new war, a new means of looting is opened. Right now a hundred billion is passing through the hands of the looters on its way to an actor in Ukraine while Oligarchs get rich and the young die a fools death.

The Old Grey Man remains asleep, but I suspect he is coming.

The products in the grocery stores are climbing as their value and worth decline. The soil is spent. The chemical burden is growing and the frankenfoods are taking over all of our diets. Local producers are being priced out of the market and the market is soon to be closed to all without access to the Central Bank Digital Currency. The net has dropped and it is enclosing from coast to coast and border to border. The giant open air prison is revealing itself and some are beginning to see the walls that have closed them in.

The Old Grey Man remains asleep, but I suspect he is coming. What will you do when the Old Grey Man steps in front of the imperial forces and says, "You shall not pass." Are you ready? Are you prepared? Or will the Old Grey Man portend another loss and even deeper misery in this life.