The Future Is Secure, But the Present Is Bleak

Saints, I apologize for my absence. I have been working hard to avoid the overlords and stay out of their re-education camps and Rona factories. This is not an easy thing as I am sure only a handful of you are also aware. The rest of the residents of North America to include almost all professing Christians, up to and including are lost, blind, and dumb to the facts before them.

It does appear the masses in Europe are agitating for freedom against their overlords. Rumors are spreading of the French burning down vaccination sites and millions taking to the streets in opposition to the dictates of the overlords across Europe. These are people rejecting government mandates and the poisonous injections. Secular freedom is like kindling and there are many sparks alight.

Meanwhile in the United State, the "journalists" are promoting State lies and spreading fear as more power is seized and more freedom lost. Read this terrible article from a Yahoo writer and see the full scope of State desires to terminate your freedom and destroy your choices in life.

There’s 1 obvious solution to the Delta variant: Mandatory vaccination
Want to fly or go out to eat? Get your shot.

In light of this wicked article and the push for ever greater seizure and control by the State, there is only one chance left for the absence of blood shed. Secession must become normalized, real, and the goal of all people. If you want the State and all of its power and might you should also seek secession to remove those who do not agree.

There are many groups who have been working for years to limit the State and provide an outlet to people feeling crushed by the State. I used to pay greater attention to these efforts when I thought there was a chance of reformation within government. I no longer believe it can be helped. I believe the best we can hope for now is to avoid it as long as possible.

This is a great resource dedicated to limiting the grasp of the State. They have a good podcast I still listen to.

Tenth Amendment Center

In Texas, Daniel Miller has been working years for secession, which he calls Texit. I recently heard his interview on Counterflow with Buck Johnson, episode #139. Texas, unlike most States, has the mechanism already in place to peacefully leave the union. Miller is creating the head space and timing for people in Texas to realize they are much better off without the United State sucking their lifeblood like an enormous tick. I hope they secede soon. I think the dominos will begin seceding quickly afterwards, but I do think Texas needs to be first and get the ball rolling.

Christians, you should realize by now the government you are living under is no believer in the sanctity of life, the freedom of the individual, or your rights to do anything, like worship. Are you prepared to spend the rest of your life in the governments punishment camps? If you have the intestinal fortitude to maintain your convictions, this is where you will end up. If you roll over and do what they say, you will be allowed to survive, shop, buy, and sell. You just have to take their mark.

The rest of the Saints who will not bow to Satan or worship the Beast will suffer and eventually be sacrificed. We will find ourselves before the Throne of God soon thereafter, as depicted in Rev 7: 9-17. These saints stayed strong and maintained their witness. Most people will not do this. Their belief in government is stronger than their belief in God.

Christians, you need to open your eyes and let the scales that are blinding you fall away. The United States, like every other government in the world, is not your friend, so stop sleeping with the Babylonian whore!

Stay strong in the faith. You will need it when they come for you and they are coming for you.