Religious Exemption, Prove it.

The Rona shot is a polarizing thing. One side wants everyone to get the shot, even though it does not stop getting the Rona, does not stop transmission, and does not effectively do anything, except increase the odds of being injured and/or dying from many other maladies. The side refusing the shot is equally against taking it for themselves, but is often not trying to control someone else's desire to do so.

With the media and government fully bought and paid for by big Pharma, the tide is battering those against taking the shot. The one thing going for people in jeopardy of losing their jobs over mandated injections are religious exemptions and the few tin pot rulers in redder states willing to oppose their king.

The problem I find with religious exemptions are most people clamoring for them probably do not deserve one. They just want out of the mandate, which I totally understand, so they are grasping for whatever mechanism is possible to avoid it.

The thing is, I have read the Bible cover to cover many times and each story in it on separate occasions even more. At no time have I ever found a passage within the pages of the Bible that says, "Thou Shall Not Take the Injection." This is my problem with religious exemptions. Under what grounds are the exemptions being given? As a biblicist I see nothing in the Bible that makes it explicit I could show to a non-believer or a court of petty law or even an employer as clear grounds for refusing the shot. I can do this for abortion or not enlisting in the military for example, but not for refusing to take the injection. This one takes more understanding.

Does this mean I am against the injection and mandates? I am utterly opposed to taking the injection and especially when mandated by corrupt, bought and paid for, politicians and media types. However, if you want to take it, go ahead, but do not come whining to me when you get sick. I will pray to the One True God you rejected for mercy on your soul.

This is where it gets tricky. You see, I do believe the Bible speaks clearly on this topic. I do believe the Bible speaks very clearly to Christians and Jews regarding their position Biblical position on earthly government. The Old Testament is very clear we are to have no other god before the God. God hand delivered this to Israel and Moses restated it on the banks of the Jordan. The God is the only God and we are to love Him with all of our hearts, soul, and might. We are to teach our children this same thing and keep God on our mind, in our heart, and on our lips at all times. If you do not believe me, go read Deuteronomy 6 again. This is where Moses restates the Law to Israel before dying outside the Promised Land.

There are many more discussions throughout the Bible that we are to only worship God and place no others before Him and that there is only one True King, Jesus. I am not giving a lecture on the Bible and the Christian faith today. I simply want Christians to be honest with themselves. Stop being double minded. As you seek a religious exemption, and I hope you get it, I further hope you get it because you are an honest Christian and true person of faith, not someone grasping for any means possible to avoid an injection.

If you are, you will not have voted at any time recently seeking to pick an earthly ruler. Did that get your attention? It should have. This is the simplest test in the world to see which kingdom people are fully invested in.

You see the kingdoms of this world are not Christian, nor are they our friends and especially are they not our allies. Even if you think your country is the greatest in the world as many people do, it simply opposes God in all things everytime it does anything. The kingdoms of this world are ruled by Satan, which is why he offered them to Jesus, if only Jesus would worship him. Think of it as voting for Satan to be lord instead of God.

Speaking as an American, I hear this all the time, especially from pundits. The United States is the greatest... Maybe it is the greatest kingdom in this world, but from where I stand in the Kingdom of God, I see clearly how the United States is a child killing, world poisoning, human and animal genocide causing, endless war-making, resource stealing, gangster of monstrous proportions. The United States is a monster unlike anything the world has ever known before because of its reach. Imagine the willingness to threaten nuclear death towards any other country that disagrees with it, yet this is the standing policy and it has been for the last 70 years and counting.

So what about those exemptions on religious grounds?

You are not going to like this, but if you partake in the sins of the State, you have no legal grounds to ask it to recognize your faith. When Israel was crossing the Jordan. God promised to deliver each nation into their hand. Israel needed to remain faithful to God and if they did, God would deliver their enemies. In response to God's faithfulness, Israel was informed they shall not have pity on the kingdoms inhabiting the Promised Lands. They shall destroy them. They shall destroy their gods and kill the people and definately should not marry either their sons or their daughters, lest they be a snare.

The abominations of these foreign nations are not to even be brought into the home of an Israelite. This is an important statement. If you do not believe me, read Deuteronomy 7 again. This is the battle line for which kingdom you stand in. What is in your home and how do you live your life? Are you faithful to God or do you wander into the camps of your enemy for delights?

Thankfully Christians are not called to destroy the kingdoms of this world through might and arms, but we are ambassadors to them. We are spread among the nations as light in darkness to bring truth among the lies and mercy amongst the greed, death, and destruction. We are here on earth to give people a clear choice and inform them of it. There is the way of Jesus and life and there is the way of the world and death. You get to choose who is your lord? You have free will to make this selection.

This therefore is my standard for religious exemption and I think it is true and honest and biblical. I think this standard upholds God's law and relegates the kingdoms of this world to their lowly positions opposed to God's good order.

+ If you vote you are bringing the foreign god of "democracy" into your home that seeks to replace God's rightful position. You are a member of this kingdom and not God's.

It is a simple test. If you want a religious exemption to this or anything else, then prove you are an Ambassador from the One True King. Prove you are on a mission from God and not a subject of these false gods on their thrones. The simplest method of discimination is your voting record. It is not perfect as many people do not vote out of pure soundness of mind and the folly of it, but it is simple and easy.

If you vote, you clearly support the government and all it does, even when your horse fails to win and you do not like the winner. Your vote shows your complicity with human rule of others and all of its evils. If you vote, you have brought the foreign gods of your enemy into your home and have no standing in asking for an exemption from the dictates of tin pot fools because you voted for one to lord power over you.

If you reject the State and do not vote because you have a King of kings already, you have a clear and justifiable position to reject the Rona shot on biblical grounds. It is that simple.