Rattling the Cage

Is the bird secure from the cat or caged from living?

I have come to the realization there is no where on this earth right now I fit in or want to be. I have tried to find a geographical place and spent years moving and it simply does not exist. As a Christian, this means I have finally arrived where I am supposed to be.

I have no interest in national State dynamics. All States are corrupt. I have no interest in rooting for politicians, they work in and for the State. I want all wars to end and can think of no reason to heap more pain through war on bad situations that already exist. War compounds problems, it does not solve them.

Unfortunately, I am surrounded by people who are constantly rattling their cages in an attempt to gain the attention of their slave masters. My fellow humans are striving to have one or two fresh links added to their chain, but they have no interest in getting rid of the chains. These cage rattlers do not even recognize or see their cage. They do feel the chain, but they do not want to get rid of the chain, they want to control the links on you and me to match theirs.

It is time you wake up Christians. We have been asleep long enough.

We are not supposed to feel comfortable here. This world is filled with every kind of sin and the worst of humanity are in charge. You cannot win freedom when the whole world is a plantation. Where would you go? Everywhere you might go, the exact same problems that make you want to leave where you are, exist. This world is fallen. That is the point and what God wants us to realize. The Apostle Paul understood this, but too few of us Christians understand the Apostle's teachings.

We cannot make this world better. It is impossible. The devil has it just where he wants it. No matter how hard you try to make something better, there are legions trying to keep it the same or make it worse. Stop trying to paint your cabin when the ship is sinking.

Here is what God wants you to do whie you are stuck on the plantation. Share the Gospel. Wake people up from their stupor. There is more than working the fields! Stop asking plantation management for better conditions. There are no better conditions on the plantation, even the managers are on the same plantation, they just hav bigger dinner plates.

It is time to wake up your fellow slaves to see they are on a plantation. We must inform them there is a glorious future at hand. Jude speaks of this wonderfully in the second half and Paul's letter to Philemon touches on the state of prisoners and their chains. Please remember, people are bound in chains and held in cages and the only freedom is found in Jesus.

This life will always be a plantation. There will still be masters and slaves. You cannot fix this problem, it was set in the Garden of Eden. But you can free people from certain death and give them life through faith in Jesus. The world to come is perfect. But access to it only comes through faith in Jesus. When we know that, does it make living among the world easier? From my vantage point that is a solid no even though I have tried and tried to carve something out.

Realizing I was born on a plantation and there is no greener grass on the other side of the fence does free me to actualize the faith Jesus died to give me. I am free from thinking I can solve this worlds problems. They are no longer my problem. I am free from thinking the State can be used for good. What Christian still thinks this is possible? I am free from rooting or cheering on fallen men to lead me. Where they are going I have no interest in following. I have a home already and it is not at the end of their rainbow.

I have a King and He has made me great promises. All I need to do is keep telling others about it so they will be free of the plantation thought processes. You can keep me in a cage, but you cannot bottle my faith.

Will you join me? Will you follow the one and only true King and free more from their love of bondage? The plantation is dying and I want it to. When it passes, the new earth will come and it will be perfect and there will not be any plantation masters in it.