People Are Crazy

I looked over Twitter today. Twitter is home to the insane and normal people making fun of them. This is its appeal. The circus comes to you and it is free.

I am disturbed. I am not even old and I can remember when the world was nothing like it is today and it was not that long ago. I was just thinking about weird people pretending they are the opposite sex and demanding everyone not only recognize it, but call them by whatever their preferred pronouns are. Newspapers are publishing insane stories with pronouns that do not match and do not make any sense and we are supposed to read it and think it is normal.

This is the height of insanity. Living through the decline of empire is even worse than I could have imagined.

If we do not celebrate mental illness then we are bigots. Don't even think about just calling a spade a spade and saying, "You should not be taking those hormones. Cutting off your body parts is a really bad idea too." This is just common sense. Knifing one's body to fit a deranged vision of oneself is not going to improve your mental disposition. It is just going to make it impossible to go back.

If it is this bad now. There are two things I am thinking. 1. How much more crazy is it going to get? I do not even think I can fathom the depths we can go, but I am sure we will get there. 2. I do not know how people in their 70's and older can look around them and even recognize a single facet of society. The world has gone crazy and it is not going to stop.

I dread how twisted this world is going to get.