Is the Rona Shot THE Mark?

I have avoided for the last year and half getting hyperbolic about the Rona and its injections. As government got more forceful and destructive I have resisted equating the two actions with the Mark of the Beast, because I did not see how it could help the situation and it just did not seem right, when so many call everything they see the Mark.

I guess you could say over the span of my near 50 years I am all "marked" up. I have heard just about everything deemed "The Mark" and just about every global leader as THE "Antichrist." Now just about every global leader is AN antichrist, but not THE Antichrist. In this kind of environment, it is wise to be slow to cast this stone.

But now we have reached a point it is no longer hyperbolic to discuss "the Mark" or the Antichrist. The Bible describes the Mark with some very clear language in Rev. 13: 16-18. This language describes the Mark as being located on the hand or the forehead and that without it a person could not buy or sell. In other words, without the Mark, access to the market for resources and/or travel is no longer legally possible.

World leaders right now are making the Rona injections mandatory, locking down their people, and pressuring businesses to do their dirty work for them. Access to buying, selling, and travel is getting more difficult and very soon it will be very hard indeed. Just earning an income is about to get very hard because each one of these tyrants and their minions are making it so. How can I avoid calling the Rona injection and the necessary passport to prove compliance are not the Mark? It sure looks like the Mark.

I am counting the number of the beast and it is government. The beast has placed itself upon the throne to lead all mankind and most of the planet worships government. I do not want to get hyperbolic, but to avoid saying this, is to avoid the reality right in front of my face. Faucci, Biden, and all of the other leaders of the world and their minions are the face of the Beast in the employ of  Babylon to war against the Saints (Rev 18). We are watching the conclusion of history right before our very eyes.

A great harvest is coming. I can see the fields are still ripe as many have yet to believe in Jesus. If you do not believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior right now. I urge you to pray to Him for the forgiveness of your sins. This is not a time to be prideful or bashful as we have all fallen short of the Glory of God.

We all need our deliverer and He will come through. We may die in this world (which looks more and more likely by the day), but we will live in the next.