Idolatry In the Church

Moses Descending with the Ten Commandments

Yesterday across the United States, many churches incorporated a celebration of Memorial Day into their regular Sunday services. In these churches they adjust the stage to prominently display American flags, they will host poetry readings, patriotic songs in praise of the United States government, and often readings or memories dedicated to the men and women who served and returned and those who did not come back alive. Buried somewhere in the midst of all of this State worship, they will often pledge their allegiance to the flag.

How is this not idolatry? How is this not worshiping false gods and idols? How does this not violate Gods explicit words, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." The pledging of obedience and worship of these State instruments, especially during a service time dedicated to the worship of the One True God is exactly placing another god before Him. It is blasphemy and it is rampant and it has corrupted many churches in America and they are blind to their idolatry and paganism.

God says, "Thou shall not bow down before them, nor serve them, for He is a jealous God" and He will not share his position, place, or title with such idols. Yet all across the United States, Christians relegate God to the background while they worship the State explicitly on at least three occasions per year, but often much more when you include special services.

God described exactly how the State will destroy the lives of people in 1 Samuel 8: 11-18 and even with this knowledge, Israel still demanded a king to lead them, instead of God. Americans are no different and have rejected God's leadership and guidance for the State in the exact same way. The devil has blinded the American church to its paganism and idolatry.

The State is not only a cheap, violent, and wicked substitute for God. It is not cheap at all. It costs money, lives, and morality to support its endless plunder. When man worships the State and demands the State govern their lives instead of God, they reap exactly what they sow.

The State takes their sons and appoints them to work for it. They will man the chariots of the State, they will be servants of the State to project power and steal, to die and to kill, and to make war all across the globe, all for the benefit of the State and not themselves. If you worship the State, it will take your sons and they will spend their lives as slaves to the State, either generating revenue and goods or watching as their blood soaks into the soil on some random battlefield so a titan of industry can corner the heroin or banana market in Jakarta to make an additional buck.

The State will take your daughters to be cooks, bakers, sex-slaves, and desert makers in support of its war making tax-feeders. They will spend their lives in drudgery and whoredom to the State, wasting their energy and spoiling their good years to pay the ever increasing tax burdens while raising their children as surrogate mothers to become cannon-fodder under the States strict guidelines and control.

The State will take your land, your automobiles, and your boats. The State will allow you to keep them close, but it will charge you for the privilige of thinking you own them. The minute you stop paying taxes, the State will seize your property and give it to someone else, while increasing your burden and throwing you in jail after it has destroyed you financially. Your efforts to survive will be gobbled up by the State. Your efforts will feed and supports the State first and you will only be given the left overs to survive on.

The State will claim the first tenth of everything, while also taking another large chunk of the remaining 90% and it will grow fat and greasy. It will grow in size as it consumes the fruits of your labor and will ensure your sons and daughters are raised to become debt slaves in its institutional camps for 12 years or more.

Each member of the family will become a slave on the State's plantation called the United States and if any eventually figure it out, they will discover they are too late. The programming has taken root across the board. Their sons and daughters, and grandchildren have become the children of the State and will fight to save it and call you a free saint a radical and rabble rouser.

Saints, we must remove the idolatry from our church. We must place God number one in all we do. The State cannot take any of God's glory. We cannot worship the State and God because neither will tolerate the other. We must make a choice and then stand by it. Come out of her my saints! Leave the State to itself, it will consume itself like a snake biting its own tail. Leave the State and worship God alone. Your eternal future depends on it!