Saints Still Supporting the State?

I have to ask Saints, what can possibly be happening between your ears that you continue supporting the State? Often such support trumps your effort to stay faithful to the Kingdom of God and for the life of me, I am amazed at Saints with scales over their eyes who support the State, no matter what.

If you think I am overly critical or alarming, I ask you what your church service looked like on July fourth? What about Memorial and Veterans Days? Does your church bulletin find itself dedicated to a flag and nation state on these days? Are your worship songs replaced with national hymns? Do you search far and wide for living veterans and praise their sacrifice upon the altar of the State, especially if they have visible injuries or wounds? Do you you remember those who are no longer with us in this life because they died on some foreign soil as heroes and not fools?

I bet your church did all of the above to some degree or another on those three State holidays. I bet your worship of the One True God was replaced with the State. I bet many people wore some variation of red, white, and blue clothing on these days and raised their hands to either salute the flag or they placed their hands over their heart. I bet most pledged their allegiance to the State, again. I bet many Saints put more effort into their State worship on a regular basis than they do true worship.

Why do I think this? The evidence says nothing to the contrary. Do you know who fills the ranks of the military? The poor seeking some method to break the cycle of poverty, gain health insurance for their child, or to leave an abusive environment and the sons and daughters of Saints raised to think the highest form of service and worship is to join the military and die for the State.

Saints, please stop offending God and worshiping the State. You cannot worship two masters and right now, many, if not most of the Saints in the United State worship the government with more faith and fidelity than they do the One True God. I recently spoke with an older man, who is even a former pastor. This man told me in response to my saying the flag is an idol and has no place in church facilities, "I have never heard anyone say the flag is an idol."

You know what. He probably was not lying. He probably never has heard anyone say it, because the blind leading the blind would never see it. Do you know what the program he and his wife put together for the Fourth of July looked like? It had a Flag on the front. The message for the day was about "Faithful Service." The usual songs were all replaced with national hymns. There was a moment to pledge allegiance to the flag of the State and they took a moment of silence to thank all the service members and civil leaders for their efforts in obedience  and loyalty to the State.

Yet this man said he has never heard the flag is an idol, while he designed an entire worship service to the flag and the State. This happened. I watched it and shook my head as I tried to help him see. I will never set foot in there again. I can see the blindness and lack of depth behind the eyes of these supposed saints who cannot see their unfaithfulness to God. Their eyes are vacuums to real faith.

What does this State they love do? This question is a joke unless you are part of the willfully ignorant.

Try listening to the Scott Horton interviews covering a range of State activities. Have you tried listening to the Lions of Liberty as they cover the actions of the State? One of the things that breaks my heart is "Felony Friday," because these people are caged for almost nothing, while politicians and generals who kill tens of thousands become millionaires.

The Dangerous History Podcast shreds the glory of the State regularly. Unfortunately you cannot hear all the back podcasts anymore, but if you could hear them all, you would discover the history of the United States is little more than a bloody millionaires bath and whore house.

Dan Carlin has done the same things with Hardcore History. I am just finishing the latest episode on the Supernova in the East series. It is shameful. Mostly men dying by the hundreds of thousands for the State. These deaths did not have to happen, but this is what the State does. The State cannot stand for people to make progress and improve their lot in life, so they start wars that destroy lives and wealth to keep people in the dark and the majority of those who die, consider what they are doing glorious, up until they stand on deaths door.

Please read the Bible. What you are supporting is not biblical. The State is the pawn of Satan at war with creation and God. Saints are supposed to be visitors and ambassadors to bring the light into the darkness. So why in the world are you covering yourself in darkness and claiming to be part of the light? Saints, please stop! The problem is, I know my pleading falls on deaf ears. Lord, please forgive them, they know not what they do.

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