Prospective Podcast Topics

Biblical History / Natural History / Electric Universe Cosmology

  • Dinosaurs and man
  • Great cataclysm / flood
  • Genesis as history
  • Creationism
  • NASA - what’s it good for
  • Moon landing / Kubrick

Bible Topics

  • FTS Blogs
  • FTS Sermons

Historical Biblical Scholars

  • Augustine
  • Aquinus
  • More
  • Luther
  • Calvin

Apostates / Errants

  • Islam
  • Talmudist
  • Seventh Day
  • Latter Day
  • Jehova’s Witness
  • Word Faith

Biblical RPG / World Building

  • Demonology
  • Allegory
  • LOTR
  • Narnia
  • Commentary


  • John Donne
  • AE Housman
  • Eliot

Greek Classics

  • Iliad
  • Odyssey

Greek Historians

  • Herodotus

Roman Classics

  • Conquest of Gaul
  • Aeneid

Roman Historians

  • Tacitus
  • Suetonius
  • Josephus / And Contemporary

German Philosophy

  • Nietzsche
  • Schopenhauer
  • Clausewitz

WWII History / Biography

  • David Irving
  • AH

Korean War

Vietnam War

Movie / TV Reviews

Podcasts Reviews

  • True Crime
  • Serial killers
  • History
  • Current Events

Panics Left / Right

  • Satanic Panic
  • Music Panic
  • Drug Panic
  • Terrorism Panic
  • The Rona / Disease
  • Climate Change

Apple vs Microsoft vs Linux

Modern “Crises”

  • Food Supply
  • How Should the Church Run
  • The color of church carpet


  • Watership Down