Are You Ready?

Christians, are you questioning your life long fealty to a State yet? Whether it be the United States or another State, are you questioning their place in your life yet? The State has taxed you. The State has coerced you. The State has wanted to school you and your children.…

"Biden's" 2.3 Trillion Plan For the Future

I am not quite 50 years old. Which means I have been aware of and cognizant of politicians making grand gestures and promises and how good those are for me for more than 30 years. I do not want to pretend I was always aware it was a lie, but…

Blood For Blood?

Man is made in the image of God. Man is valuable. Man is special. Christians of all persuasions do not generally disagree on the prior points. After the flood, in speaking with Noah, God explains how valuable blood and life is by informing Noah it will be blood for blood…

Tax Em Now, Spend It Later

Henry County, Virginia has the highest rate of taxes in the region, according to the front page of the Martinsville Bulletin on 29 Mar, 2021. This dubious achievement is the result of the public apparently voting in November to support an increase in General Sales Tax, not to exceed a…

All Propaganda

The "AP" or Associated Press should change their name to align with their messaging, All Propaganda. It would be a cheap transition as they would not even have to change their signature blocks or most of their stuff since the initials would remain the same. Not only that, it would…

We Cannot Deny the Occupation

The US government mobilized 26,000 National Guardsmen to protect itself from the public it purports to lead during the most recent transition of power. The blinders are off for many, while many others remain blinded to the fact they are living under an occupation. Most of those troops have…

They Are Busy Beavers

The newspaper said the state of Virginia "law makers" passed more than 500 bills in the 2021 session! Think of that. These people passed more than 500 bills this year that will live on in perpetuity as almost no law is ever repealed. Just think of what they have planned…

Rattling the Cage

I have come to the realization there is no where on this earth right now I fit in or want to be. I have tried to find a geographical place and spent years moving and it simply does not exist. As a Christian, this means I have finally arrived where…