This morning I was reflecting on a number of things. The weekend effort to assassinate a former president and current candidate running solid in the background as I contemplated first this and then that while my coffee brewed and I drank my morning loose leaf green tea. While contemplating life I was also considering what it means to have a Christian worldview with the Bible as its foundation in a world that is antithetical to everything I believe. Then I read Philippians 3 and I knew I was getting somewhere.
I will readily admit to not being a genius. I wish I was a genius for my own intellectual benefit, not that it would change much socially or financially, because I am surrounded by morons. The morons who proliferate the United States at every echelon of society and who permeate every agency and fill just about every slot of life are a constant anchor on society dragging everyone backwards well beyond the mean.
I quit voting years ago because I realized my vote did not matter. How could I vote in a local election except to vote no (and lose) every effort to raise local taxes that will then be stolen and wasted and frittered away on nothing. For years I watched my fellow voters support raising their own taxes and then receive nothing of value in return. On the handful of times I witnessed some new tax get rejected by the voters, I watched the politicians increase the taxes anyway because a prior law they had on the books says they can levy a new tax because they gave themselves that right... So the vote was just window dressing so morons thought they had a chance to limit government.
It is quite a bit different on a national scale because it is worse. Once Senator selections became national elections and no longer governor appointments, the states lost what little power they had over the central State destroyed State Rights with Lincoln's War. The States have little say over anything and the vast swaths of morons voting means the dilution of intelligent people ensures ever more corrupt politicians get elected. Every year the United States gets worse. In my 50 years the US is not even recognizable to what it looked like when I was a kid and 50 years ago it was already corrupted through its core.
Are their solutions?
No, I do not think there are solutions because the backbone would force people to acknowledge some real truths they are not allowed to even consider. How does one put the toothpaste back in the tube?
- Most people should not vote. There should be standards required to vote. It does not have anything to do with color or sex, but capacity to think and operate in a moral manner. Very few people should have this ability.
- Every single agency operated by the Federal Government must be closed as unnecessary and worthless.
- The US Government must end the Federal Reserve and throw the bankers in prison. Every single one of them.
- All four branches of the US military must be reduced to the point they barely exist at all and all foreign bases closed and the property returned to their home nations.
- Income taxes must end immediately and social spending programs must be phased out over the next decade.
There are many more things but this is enough for now because none of them will ever happen. Our food supply is poison. Our water is poison. Our doctors are owned by Big Pharma and every other facet of your life is a sham and fraud of make believe, but morons cannot break through the haze of schooling and television/internet and its endless propaganda.
Your vote means nothing. You are surrounded by morons who believe in fairy tales. The people you vote for are make believe puppets who exist to steer giant contracts towards a select number of people and keep the fake money moving higher while us on the bottom fight with the other bottom dwellers to hold onto our rotten apple cores. This is not God's plan. It is slavery and bondage. We live in Satan's world. Jesus came to free humanity from this Babylonian system, but the morons are convinced it works for them and fight to stay enslaved.