Yesterday (12 January, 2021), the Associated Press published an article, "House: Impeachment Again," widely circulated in newspapers across the United States regarding a Democratic led effort to impeach Trump in his last week in office. The AP article is inflammatory and rambunctious in its efforts to polarize, create news, and scandalize.
According to the AP, Trump's presidency is experiencing "stunning final moments." Impeachment "pressure mounting" as the House "works swiftly" to "oust President" in an "extraordinary effort" in the "final days" of the Trump presidency.
According to the AP, this adds up to a "stunning final moment" for a man they declare "unfit for office" for "inciting a mob" that "ransacked the capitol" in a "deadly siege." Apparently Trump "gravely endangered" the "security of the United States!" The AP and Democrat impeachment document claims Trump "remains a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office."
It appears to me as a newspaper reader, the AP is stuck in 8th grade with an assignment that must meet a word count and they just learned what adjectives are in some Honors English class. The AP produces inflammatory garbage to promote their agenda and silence those who disagree.
Propaganda pieces like this, running on the front page of newspapers, is pure drivel driving an agenda, not bringing anything news worthy to anyone's attention. I wish local papers would cease relying on AP articles to outfit and complement their reduced staff. It's too bad the papers do not realize they have lost readership because of this kind of junk news that has turned the average newspaper reader into a non-reader because their agenda is so obvious.