After the Fall in Genesis 3, God curses women to have painful child birth and a desire for their husbands who will rule over them. Men on the other hand are cursed with toil and trouble to feed the family and keep things running. This creates a clear division of labor between men and women and their own sets of problems and solutions.
The thing that makes me feel bad for women is they have bought another satanic lie about work. Women have bought the lie they will find fulfillment and purpose working alongside men and in doing so, they have coveted the curse of men on top of their own curse. Women now have more health problems that were always associated with the stress of work men had. Women are by and large abdicating their family life for a man's life and they are not fulfilled and are lost.
You cannot have it all. Birth rates are falling. Divorce rates are climbing and the health of both men and women is suffering as the addition of women in the workforce has created scarcity and competition between the sexes and added a whole lot of uncertainty in relationships. Women belly ache they cannot find a "good" man and men complain they cannot find a good wife.
When we understand the biblically well-defined roles for men and women and the family and children, we can see clearly how disgusting and corrupt the United States is and how it has also poisoned the world by encouraging women to enter the workforce and become sexual objects instead of wives and mothers. The solution is easy. Return to the traditional roles with male bread winners and female caregivers, but are people willing to give up all the possessions to make it happen? Or do they prefer new cars, big houses, bunches of computers and televisions and all the things people consume?
You tell me? I do not see the traditional roles returning and I see people continuing to wander without purpose and lost when God has provided them the solution already and it has never changed.