I watched the first debate last night, which can only be considered a debacle and display of an empire crumbling. The two clowns vying for the position were unable to answer a single question and spent the entire debacle insulting and interrupting each other with insults and jibes.
Can a single person think there was a winner? We are all losers for watching it and giving it our time and if anyone thought about changing their vote based on that display, I would question their integrity and their honesty, unless it was to abstain from voting at all.
Who chose Chris Wallace as moderator? Wallace was as combative as the contestants and added a third tier of tom foolery that did not moderate or reign either the Democrat or Republican in. Instead, he fed fuel to the fire. What third grader provided those questions? They were as useless as they were unanswered.
How about asking these?
- Donald Trump, you claimed you would end the wars, yet they are all still being engaged. Do you intend to end the wars or not? Are you afraid of armchair general opinions?
- Joe Biden, during your time in power, you and Obama launched the Yemen war and blockade against the citizens of a sovereign country that posed zero threat to the UNited States. Would you keep this going if you were president or would you end this travesty?
- Donald Trump, why have you continued the Yemen crime against humanity? Are you even aware of it? Do you still consider the Saudi's such great ally's when they are committing these war crimes using US military hardware, with background support to keep the planes operational? Why have you not ended this atrocity and why have you not been able to actually end the Syrian war started by Obama and Biden? Are you afraid of doing what is right?
- Donald Trump, do you think "free trade" requires agreements that favor one country over another? How can you claim to be a believer in free markets when you have regularly instituted tariff's and threatened even more if foreign countries did not do your bidding. Do you not think the American worker and businesses can compete on a level playing field if given the opportunity?
- Joe Biden, why do you think the government has a right to anyone's income? Why do you think you know best what the proper level of theft is from business and people?
- Donald Trump, why have you not done more to drain the swamp as promised? There has not been a single government agency terminated. Why have you signed all these spending bills with riders that vastly grow and expand the expenditures.
- Donald Trump, the Biden and Obama administration loved to use executive orders to get what they wanted, remember when Obama said elections have consequences and he would use executive orders to do what he wanted and you used your twitter platform to question this? Why have you done the same? Are you not leader enough to send bad bills back to the senate and house?
- Joe Biden, will you keep the practice of executive orders up? Their usage has grown with each presidency, would you continue this trend? Or will you use your four decades of contacts in govt to actually get single item legislation passed? Would you agree to not sign any bill put on your desk with riders, effectively making any and all legislation single topic/issue?
- Joe Biden, it appears your family benefited from some sweet heart deals from foreign people and governments when you were in office. Do you not consider this an ethics violation and if not, why not?
- Donald Trump, you appear to have questionable behavior in the past regarding women and integrity, Melania is the prettiest First Lady in the history of the US, have you apologized to her for dragging her through the mud with you as you chase other women?
- Joe Biden, it is being reported you were the other man and broke up a family. When you combine this and your penchant for claiming other peoples thoughts and work as your own without attribution, why should we trust you to be honest and display integrity now after a lifetime without it?
- Joe and Donald, how do you justify supporting the continued use and expansion of the US nuclear weapon arsenal? Do you think destroying cities and countries is ever a viable option? Do you think even threatening to do it is a viable option of foreign policy or a sign of someone too stupid to think of another answer or solution?
- Joe and Donald, do you own any pistols, rifles, or shotguns? If so, what kind and calibre and how often do you shoot?
- Joe and Donald, why do you think the US government has any say whatsoever in the weapons people have?
Anyways, these are questions people want to hear and know the answers to.
First Presidential Debate https://t.co/LM4QGg0zw7
— a free saint (@freethe_saints) September 30, 2020
Welcome to the clown show. I see no need to watch another.