Bad Fruits In Our Batch

Bad Fruits In Our Batch

There is a problem in our walk as Christians in America. Do not get me wrong, there are many people doing it right, but there is an underlying behavior that is influencing our churches and our people and causing great harm in the Kingdom of God that is lowering our births and causing many Saints to stumble and some to fall away.

We are not raising our children to know they must marry a Christian. We have kids going through youth programs in their churches for 1-2 hours per week and then very often being programmed in public school houses 40 plus hours per week. While we hope and often pray for our sons and daughters to meet nice Christians as potential marriage partners. We throw our kids into an atmosphere where they are surrounded by non-Christians during the time period their hormones and bodies are raging and those non-believers typically behave in a manner that attracts their attention.

Do we expect our kids to find love within the framework of 1-2 hours of Christian study and fellowship per week compared to the 40 hours of indoctrination in public school camps where they are surrounded by non-believing secular people? You know we do. We set them up for failure by surrounding them with highly sexualized pagans and hope they can sift through the chaff to find the rare kernel with similar faith and beliefs.

You read that right. For many of us, we are setting our children up for failure by surrounding them with people of a different tribe. A minority of young believers manage to stay within our own tribe. However, very often our sons and daughters leave their tribe (mine is Baptist) for a different tribe and that tribe is usually one of atheistic non-belief characterized by overly sexual behaviors subsidized with birth control and abortion. Just look at the reduced number of births in most Christian families and tell me they are not using birth control, which is the satanic war on the family on display for all to see.

*Please note, when I say tribe, I am not discussing race. I am speaking in a believer vs non-believer capacity.

God has spoken very plainly on intermarriage and historically we have not followed God's guidance very well. I am reminded of Ezra 9, where the Scribe/Prophet Ezra is informed the returned/remnant of Israel, to include the priests and the Levites were intermarrying with the local pagan population. Not only were they intermarrying with the surrounding peoples, they were taking on the behaviors and actions of those pagan people and mixing the holy seed with the wicked. This is exactly what is happening in our churches with our people today.

I imagine at this point, some of you are thinking to yourselves, but my little Johnny married a good American girl. She was a cheer leader, played softball and volleyball and graduated in the top 10% of her class. Not only that, she earned a scholarship to Secular U. and is a member of the Sin, Sex, and Depravity Sorority. My little Johnny has found him a great American girl. Both of her parents work and her older brother is a policeman. He found himself a great girl! Yes, she sounds like a great American, but she is definately not a Christian.

Marrying a secular good boy or girl is not good enough for a Christian, based on Scripture (Exodus 34: 11-16, Deuteronomy 7: 1-4) and God's revealed word about what is best for us. She might be a great pagan, but she is not a Christian and the chances Little Johnny leads her to the Lord are way less than the chances of her leading him to Satan. If you do not believe me, look at Solomon (1 Kings 11: 1-8). His wives led him astray. Look at Israel and their marriages to the people of the land throughout Judges and the Prophets. Israel is led astray every single time.

Before you tell me this is about Israel and has nothing to do with the Christian believer, let me steer you to 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18. We must do better Saints. I realize for many of us, it is too late. Our sons and daughters have married a non-believer. If this is your condition, please pray for that son or daughter in law to become a believer every single day. Love them no matter what, because they have married your child, but know they are on the outside looking in at the marriage supper of the Lamb and are very likely to steer your daughter or son to join them on the outside. They will also raise their children away from the church and away from Jesus and your handful of hours per month, if you are lucky with your grandkids is not going to be enough for them to break the satanic grip society will have over them.

Ezra said in 8: 12, "Now therefore give not your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace or their wealth for ever; that ye may be strong, and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children for ever."

We must do better Saints! When I look at churches, I see families with 1-2 kids because America has taken precedence over God. We must find our first love again. Being a good American is a far cry from being a Saint.

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