Christians Rejecting God En Masse

There is no biblical justification for Christian involvement in secular government. Yes, you read that correctly. There is no justification for voting for candidates no matter what promises they make and there is no justification for the pursuit of an office in government as an individual. Earthly government is the…

Can Does Not Mean Should

Today the Yahoo machine flashed an article of women up in arms. The women, according to the article, are upset not about Rona vaccine side effects, but about the continued side effects in contraceptives. Mainly the threat of blood clots from the presence of too much estrogen. Their argument is,…

Idolatry In the Church

Yesterday across the United States, many churches incorporated a celebration of Memorial Day into their regular Sunday services. In these churches they adjust the stage to prominently display American flags, they will host poetry readings, patriotic songs in praise of the United States government, and often readings or memories dedicated…

General's Speak For You?

As I write this essay, I cannot help but think of the love so many Christians have for the military. There is almost zero critical thought behind this love affair. It just exists as churches have convinced themselves the only element of government that works and in their opinion works…

The School's Are Effective

I have said many times there is nothing government can or has done that is effective, but I am wrong. The public school system has created generations of lost Americans who cannot even read the most basic writing on the wall before them. Christians have rejected the truth of the…

Are You Ready?

Christians, are you questioning your life long fealty to a State yet? Whether it be the United States or another State, are you questioning their place in your life yet? The State has taxed you. The State has coerced you. The State has wanted to school you and your children.…

"Biden's" 2.3 Trillion Plan For the Future

I am not quite 50 years old. Which means I have been aware of and cognizant of politicians making grand gestures and promises and how good those are for me for more than 30 years. I do not want to pretend I was always aware it was a lie, but…

Blood For Blood?

Man is made in the image of God. Man is valuable. Man is special. Christians of all persuasions do not generally disagree on the prior points. After the flood, in speaking with Noah, God explains how valuable blood and life is by informing Noah it will be blood for blood…