Finishing the Race

I am nearing completion of 2 Chronicles. Amongst the many themes experienced by the different leaders of Judah and Israel, there is one element that stuck out this morning above all others. How many of these kings start out doing right. They remove the groves, they cut down the Ashtaroth…

More to See Than Meets the Eye

I do not for a minute think we can see all there is to see. There is a spiritual realm all around us that we are almost completely unable to see, although I do think we can feel it on occasion and this is when our hair stands on end.…

Godly Leadership Is Possible

As I make my way through the Old Testament again, I find more truth and joy with each reading. One of the things that has been impacting me is how foolish hereditary succession is for leadership and the constant need to stay vigilant regarding false idols and gods. I am…

Just Say No To The Idols

I recently preached through 1 John. There is a sentence tacked on the end of the letter that does not come with additional commentary from John, it is almost like a post script. John was writing about how to identify false teachers and fake believers and to test people and…

A Half Dozen Ignored Words

‌                                           Way back near the end of our Bibles there are three small letters of great importance, well four if we count Jude. These three letters from John and the letter of Jude are easily skipped as people head towards Revelation, looking for signs and making themselves feel spectacular with thoughts…

What's the New Push?

I came to social media late. I avoided it for many years and only joined Facebook after planting a church. I was informed over and over again Facebook would get our message out and put us in front of people. I suppose in some regards this could happen. I rarely…

What Does the Future Look Like?

I have been preaching at different churches the last six months. Churches that are between pastors and in the active market for a new one. These Churches are rural, small, and between 100-182 years old. You know what else they have in common? They are mostly empty on Sunday and…

Bad Kings and Fools: They Go Hand In Hand

Every four years fools line up to cast ballots for a new king. For the year prior, a parade of fools vying for the privilege and honor to be king, crisscross the United States making promises and accepting bribes. An endless number of promises are made and a mountain of…