Free The Saints Awarded Trophy

I have awarded Moon and myself the half year (2022) trophy for Best New Podcast of 2022. Due to the wide range of topics we cover, the guests we host, and the books we review, the people have spoken. You will want to get on this train before it leaves…

What About That Sabbath?

If you attend church regularly, it is not uncommon for people to start looking at their watches near the end of the service. It is almost as if their butt's have a clock on them, or maybe it is their stomach. One of the reasons people want to…

Ancapistan In My Brain

I listen to a lot of podcasts. I am sure there are people who dwarf my listening habits, but I would guess I listen to between 5-10 hours per day, which in my mind is a pretty large number. I have a podcast running in the background during most of…

Do We Actually Trust God?

The prophet Daniel does not seem very relevant to most Christians I know. Within this group that does not seem to care for the prophet are people who study the Bible regularly and those who barely touch it. The Christian response to a pagan world is expertly demonstrated by Daniel,…

Bad Fruits In Our Batch

There is a problem in our walk as Christians in America. Do not get me wrong, there are many people doing it right, but there is an underlying behavior that is influencing our churches and our people and causing great harm in the Kingdom of God that is lowering our…

Trusting God?

Most of us are aware of the young man that entered the prayer service a couple of years ago and shot the Christians as they prayed in South Carolina in 2015. I bet most of us remember the guy who entered the church in Texas to shoot people and was…

An Unpopular Faith

Being fruitful and multiplying as faithful sons and daughters of the King is a commandment directly from God from the earliest moment of creation. In Genesis 1: 27-28, Moses wrote, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female…

This Is A Strange World

I do not think anytime in the history of man has been so strange as this one. Disney is changing the names of characters so they can be more "inclusive." Faerie Godmothers are now faerie apprentices so both males and females can take on the role of make…