40% Unemployment in KY & Climbing

Is it the virus or is it the politicians? The virus has made some people sick and it has killed or aided to the death of roughly 1% of those infected. Beshear though, he is the most deadly virus to infect Kentucky in history. Beashear's illness is insidious…

A Single Primary Site...

Jefferson County, Kentucky is the states most populated county. The people in Jefferson county are packed tight. The governor of KY and the mayor of Louisville are Rona terrorists wanting to destroy all life in an effort to limit exposure to Rona. The solution to the primary? Instead of spreading…

EMT Murdered By Police

A Louisville, KY EMT, sleeping with her boyfriend at 0100, was executed while her boyfriend who survived is being charged with first degree assault and attempted murder. In the bizaro world of the US Police State,  Louisville Metro Police officers conducted a no knock raid on the home of Breonna…

Fauci Threatens the NFL

I should not be surprised. Jori Epstein from USA Today wrote an article that ran 12 May regarding an interview Peter King from Monday Morning Quarterback had with Dr. Anthony Fauci. My first thought, "Why would anyone give this man another platform and especially why would anyone beg the…

How Long Will You Support War?

Last week Russia announced the plan to affix low-yield nuclear warheads to submarine launched nuclear missiles in the US arsenal will not reduce the risk of nuclear war as touted by the State Department, but instead increase its risk because Russia vows to retaliate with nuclear weapons of their own.…

What Is the Problem?

There is a major problem brewing in the United States and Kentucky is going to be ground zero with its tyrant governor. According to the Courier Journal on 10 May, 1 in 3 Kentucky residents are jobless and out of work. How did this happen and who is to blame?…

Is Corona Causing The Problems?

If you were to listen to governors and presidents, each of them a tyrant, you would think the Corona Virus has destroyed the economy and sent the world into turmoil and it is only through their benevolent interference and actions that anyone will survive. The reality is the exact opposite.…