Christians, are you questioning your life long fealty to a State yet? Whether it be the United States or another State, are you questioning their place in your life yet? The State has taxed you. The State has coerced you. The State has wanted to school you and your children. The State wants to enroll you and your children in its army and send you anywhere and everywhere. The State threatens your very existence every single day.
I visited a large VA hospital today. It was depressing. There are so many hurt and broken men and women walking or rolling around the VA. Teachers should bring their students to their local VA hospital so the students can see what the survivors of war look like. It is not a pretty scene. It is sad and depressing, but I know schools will not do this. They want to prepare the young for the meat grinder, not inform them of the reality of combat.
There are million of people being programmed by the news and media to scream for vaccine passports as we speak. My local newspaper has run editorials every day about how good a vaccine passport would be for America. The paper promotes a dual-class citizenry. Those who have been injected and have a passport can attend concerts, parks, games, and everything else you can imagine. Those who do not want to take a vaccine, for any number of reasons, would be required to stay home. It would just be easier to make them wear yellow stars.
Christian, will you stay silent? Look how lonely a man like Bonhoeffer was. When it comes to hard times, the number of people standing for righteousness will be few and far between. Then they will be marginalized, silenced, imprisoned, and eventually killed. This is the price of Jesus' sacrifice. Where will you stand Christian? Will you stay safe on the sidelines?
Will you be cowed into silence by the well-conditioned and over-schooled population and its government? They want your obedience, it is only the responsible thing to do, after all. Only selfish people would not accept the external control over their life. Christian, is your church still fully on board sending your young to the war machine? Most churches and Christians are still fully supportive of the State and its endless wars, although it strikes me as utterly foolish and completely opposed to the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.
The net is closing. There is time for you to make sure you are on the right team. Most will escape the net and will be encouraged to. there is earthly security and safety outside the net, but Jesus is not there. Jesus is inside and being persecuted. Will you stand for Jesus, or will you deny Him?